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The leaders of tomorrow are those who look ahead today. In a rapidly developing world, it is necessary to adapt and stay ahead of the game in order to succeed. We at College Life teamed up with EMERCE to bring you the list of the most important future skills you will need in the following few years.

Take a look at the top 5 future skills to master by 2025!

Cross-Cultural Competence

In a tightly interconnected world, the workforce is becoming increasingly international and culturally diverse.

The perfect future employee understands that there are different customs and cultures. They also aren't afraid to listen and ask questions. Most importantly, they actively seek out knowledge on how to better understand the ever-changing world around them. Thinking of pursuing a career in an international environment? Then also consider adding a foreign language to a list of your future skills and increase your recruitment chances.

Similarly, cross-generational competency is also a key ability to keep in mind. As the workforce by the late 2020s will most likely range from Gen Z to Baby Boomers, the top employees will need to know how to bridge the generational divide and find a common ground.


Gone are the days when you could start a job straight out of school and keep doing the same thing until you retire. The workplace is changing too rapidly to stay in one place and specialize only in one narrow aspect. Experts agree - interdisciplinarity is one of the key future skills to develop before 2025.

If you want to succeed in a rapidly changing workforce, you should be open to expanding your horizons and finding new specializations, not just being good at what you do. The top employees of 2025 are lifelong learners and willing to adapt to the changing environment. In case you're about to enter university, it might be a good idea to pick a minor from a different discipline. If going back to school isn't your thing, the Internet is rife with top-level courses to help you develop and learn new skills.

Critical thinking

A critical thinker is someone who is able to skillfully process, analyze, and scrutinize information. They are able to conceptualize solutions to problems never faced before. Most of all, however, they have the ability to look at their work, and the work of their co-workers, find mistakes and improve upon them.

You can teach yourself to think critically, whether it is during your university courses, internships or job. A good start is being more curious about your job and giving yourself time to review your tasks and think about what could be done better next time. At its core, being a critical thinker is all about allowing yourself and the company you work at to grow.

Emotional intelligence

Sure, it's nice to have a high IQ. But to successfully thrive in the workplace, the ideal employee needs to possess a different kind of intelligence— emotional intelligence.

Closely related to cross-cultural and cross-generational competence, emotional intelligence is a group of 'soft skills' related to identifying, understanding and managing one's own emotions, as well as the emotional states of others.

Even in a highly digitalized world, emotional intelligence is one of the key abilities to possess. According to experts, emotional intelligence is one of the future skills to keep in mind. Employees who are more in touch with their emotional side are proven to be more empathetic, curious and focused. They also work harder and are considered to be more 'marketable' by their employers.

Tech aptitude

Tech Aptitude

You knew this would be our #1. According to Business Insider, the hottest jobs in the next years will be related to STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Experts predict the biggest demand for data scientists, engineers, and software developers. Interestingly, there will also be a growing need for tech-related positions in other sectors. These include educators, tech-savvy HR professionals, and experts in the legal side of new technologies. So, good news for more humanities or social science-oriented people!

Being able to successfully navigate a digital environment is one of the key skills to have right now. Technology is becoming increasingly advanced and more closely integrated into our lives. As a result, developing new tech-related skills is crucial to succeeding in the workplace.

So, if pursuing a successful career in tech is your dream, you might want to think about learning basic code such as Java & Python.

We don't necessarily mean everyone needs to suddenly become a machine learning engineer by 2025. However, no matter in what sector, the perfect employee in 2025 will be able to operate digital tools used in the workplace (i.e. Microsoft Office, social media, or cloud technology) and be able to quickly adapt to technological changes.

As a student, you spend a lot of time on your studies, part-time job, and social life. This can make it difficult to maintain an active lifestyle, while this will provide the necessary energy that your life needs. Especially if you opt for a protein that is packed with superfoods, you will experience an improvement in sports performance, energy levels & beauty (skin, hair, and nails).

But what should you pay attention to when finding the right protein that will boost your day as a busy student? Read further and learn more about vegan protein. 

When to Use Proteins?

Due to the high protein content, proteins can be taken well after your workout, but also during breakfast, by adding the proteins into 250 ml plant-based milk, yogurt, quark, smoothies, oatmeal, etc. The proteins of Green Harvey contain many superfoods that guarantee boosting energy and other benefits that instantly boosts your day. Suffering from an afternoon dip? Then use the proteins in the afternoon with, for example, yogurt, a smoothie, or another recipe.

You achieve the most optimal results by exercising regularly (3-4 times a week) and also using proteins. No sports for a few days? Then feel free to add the proteins on those days through yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, etc. because thanks to the many superfoods you will still experience good health benefits for your sports performance, energy levels & beauty.

What Should you Pay Attention to?

1. Choose a plant-based protein 

When choosing a protein, there is often the option of choosing either a dairy-based protein (whey protein or casein) or a plant-based protein. What can be decisive for the choice is that both casein and whey protein are a by-product of cheese production and are therefore cheap and readily available. Casein and whey protein also contain milk sugar called 'lactose'. This can cause poor digestion, headaches, pimples, and low energy.

With plant-based protein, there is a much lower chance of these intolerances, so that all the good nutritional values ​​​​can also be absorbed much better. A combination of brown rice protein and pea protein isolate provides a high protein content in, for example, the Vegan proteins from Green Harvey (19 grams per serving). Many superfoods are processed in this and the proteins are also gluten, dairy, and soy-free.

Benefits of Green Harvey proteins:

2. Opt for added superfoods

In addition to the high protein content in a protein, there is so much more to get from a protein, which makes your skin, hair, nails, hormones, mood, immune system, and energy levels even better. This is because superfoods contain many antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that ensure that you will feel better and better in your fitness journey.

Several powerful superfoods that provide these benefits: Maca powder, Cocoa powder, Beetroot powder, Acacia fiber (90% fiber and therefore a full feeling longer), guar gum, stevia.

3. No added sugars

If you want to increase your sports performance and look for a boost for your health through the use of good superfoods, it is best to choose a protein with no added sugars. If there is a high amount of sugar in a protein, you will not achieve the desired results that you have in mind and it is also unnecessary. The BerryliciousCookie Dough & Vanilla proteins all taste wonderfully sweet and are 100% natural. This is due to the natural flavors and the use of natural sugar called stevia (0.2 grams per serving).

Also, the flavors still come out well when the proteins are used in various recipes. For example, add the proteins to plant-based milk, yogurt, quark, or smoothies! But it doesn't stop there… There are many other ways to process proteins. Check out the Green Harvey recipe page for inspiration.

4. Improve gut health

As mentioned above, many superfoods have been added to the proteins that also promote intestinal health. For example, acacia fibers contain 90% fiber and are great prebiotics for intestinal flora. It promotes a feeling of fullness, is gentle on your stomach, can relieve constipation, and also reduce IBS symptoms. The digestive enzymes are also super good to have in a protein. This further reduces the risk of bloating and poor digestion.

Brown rice protein and pea protein isolate contain essential amino acids that your body needs. It is important for processes in your body, such as muscle growth and recovery. This makes the proteins of Green Harvey a 'complete' protein. Our body uses 20 amino acids, but we cannot make 9 of these ourselves. These are the essential amino acids and we must therefore get them from our diet. When a protein source is 'complete', this means that it contains all 9 amino acids and that is the case with the proteins of Green Harvey. Everyone experiences the best benefits because the proteins are then easily digested and better absorbed by the body.

Click here to check out Green Harvey's Vegan proteins packed with superfoods and discover the health benefits for yourself!

While browsing our pages on student finance or allowances, you might have come across the term BSN number. So what exactly is this magic number?

The BSN is a must-have number for all residents in the Netherlands. Even non-residents benefit from getting a BSN when living in the country.

In this guide, we compiled all the basics about a BSN Number, its benefits and uses, the registration process to get a BSN, and much more.

Our BSN Number guide will cover the following:

What is a BSN Number?

What Is A BSN Number?

Simply put, BSN, written in Dutch as Burgerservicenummer, is a unique, personalised eight- or nine-digit citizen service number

Just like the Social Security Number (SSN) is a unique identification number for every individual in the United States, the BSN is an all-around identification number essential for all individuals living and studying in the Netherlands. You will need to have your BSN at hand in most public, financial, and official interactions.

Luckily, the BSN acts as an all-in-one social security, tax, and national identification number in the Netherlands, so one less card to carry in your wallet and three fewer numbers to remember. 

The municipalities record every individual’s BSN and other personal data and store it in a database called The Dutch Personal National Register (written in Dutch as Basisregistratie Personen or BRP).

Some of the personal information saved in the BRP includes:

 Why Do You Need A BSN Number?

Could you live in the Netherlands without a BSN? You can; however, it will take a lot of work as the BSN is necessary for practically all administrative and financial procedures with government institutions in the Netherlands.

Here are some of the services that you need a BSN for:

Other government interactions that require a BSN include receiving a pension, paying your taxes, getting a driving licence, obtaining a mortgage or loan, starting a business, studying at a Dutch school or university, or buying a home in the country.

How To Apply For A BSN Number?

Now that you know what a BSN number is and the benefits of having one, you also need to know how to get a BSN. Applying for a BSN is one of the first things you should do when you arrive in the Netherlands. 

There are many ways to get a BSN. So let’s see how to get one based on your stay, your reason for getting one, etc.

BSN via Regular Municipality

We first need to take a look at the BSN number registration process. You need to head to your nearest municipality (a gemeente). They will register you, and you will automatically receive a BSN number in a few days. There are roughly 388 local municipalities in the Netherlands. Individuals planning on staying for more than four months should preferably register within five days of your arrival.

The documentation required to get a BSN differs slightly for EU and non-EU residents. 

BSN via an RNI Municipality

People living outside the Netherlands or coming to the Netherlands for less than four months to study or work can also obtain a citizen service number (BSN) by registering in the Non-residents Records Database(RNI). You can register in person at one of the 19 municipalities with an RNI desk in the Netherlands to receive your citizen service number.

BSN to receive AOW

Individuals living abroad looking to receive the Dutch state pension (AOW) can get a BSN via the Dutch Social Insurance Bank (Sociale Verzekeringsbank - SVB). SVB will register your details in the RNI and give you a BSN. 

BSN for inheritance tax

If you require a BSN for inheritance tax purposes, you can apply for a BSN via the Tax and Customs Administration.

 Where Can I Find My BSN Number?

Let’s face it, remembering a telephone number is hard enough for most of us, so what do you do if you forget or lose your BSN number?

There is no need to panic as unlike other numbers found only on specific documentation, a BSN number is mentioned on many government-issued documents and even online.

So here are some of the documents on which you can find your citizen service number:

Tax assessments or return letters sent to you by the Dutch Tax Office, Dutch payslips, and annual salary statements are some other documents you can refer to for your BSN.

If you cannot access any of these documents, there is still a way out. You can go to the Dutch municipality where you are registered and request your BSN number. 

Who Needs A BSN Number?

As mentioned earlier in this article, it is possible to survive in the Netherlands without getting a BSN. But before you think of doing this, read on to know who needs a BSN in Holland: 

Using the BSN to get a DigiID

After you have your BSN number, you should apply for a DigiID which is almost as important. But, what's a DigiID? DigiIDs are used to access online government services. For example, to apply for benefits, and health insurance, and to do your taxes you need a DigiID to log in.

Steps on getting a DigiID:

  1. Request one on the digiID website.
  2. On the first page, fill in your personal details like your BSN, date of birth, postcode, and so on.
  3. Then, choose a username and password. Don't forget it, because then you'll need to reapply.
  4. You will get an email validation.
  5. Then, you will receive a letter with the final activation code. Activate your DigiID within 20 days.

Once you get a BSN, it is yours forever, even if you leave the country. So you can use it if you return later or to claim benefits from abroad. The unique BSN is retired after a person’s death.

When should I deregister?

If you’re moving to a new address within the same municipality, you must inform the local municipality and they will update your address in your BRP records.

But in the following situations, you need to deregister your BSN:


As we reach the end of our comprehensive BSN Number guide, you have seen exactly why BSN number registration is a big deal in the Netherlands. 

You now know what a BSN is, why you should apply for a citizen service number when you arrive in the Netherlands, the registration process to get a burgerservicenummer, the different documents on which you can find your BSN, and when and how to deregister your BSN.

We hope you found this guide helpful. Please share your thoughts and let us know if any information is missing in the comments below.

Steve Jobs once said that what separates successful entrepreneurs from non-successful ones is “pure perseverance”. And that’s right; when starting your own company, perseverance is one of the things you should have. It’s also known that 1 in 4 startups fail.  Though getting your work permit and registering your company are things you need to do to get your startup started, there are 6 mistakes you need to avoid in order to become a successful startup. With our advice, you’ll be avoiding these startup mistakes and making profit instead!

1. Not taking your startup seriously

If you want your business to become successful, you need to take it seriously. That means, you need to view yourself and your company as legitimate. Now, that doesn’t mean you should be arrogant and think you have everything figured out. Being an entrepreneur is a learning process. However, you should think about details like company emails: where you answer emails from clients or customers. You should also dedicate enough time to your company and know what you’re talking about.

2. Choosing the wrong team

If you have a team, you’ll need hard-working and reliable teammates or employees to help your company reach success. Don’t choose friends or family over qualification. Of course, if they are qualified and they are an asset to the company, by all means, use them! Though, you don’t want any slow-pokes or people who can't operate a computer…

3. Not taking technology seriously

One of the best things about working at a startup or being a student entrepreneur is that the internet allows you to spread your message around the world! You should aim to create a nice-looking and functional website for yourself, especially if that’s how clients contact you or that is fundamental to your company. Aim to use the right plugins and correct software. Moreover, social media is a really important tool to reach your market and promote yourself. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are only some of the platforms you should learn more about.

4. Thinking you are above startup mistakes

Learning isn’t only for university. You need to learn before you succeed. Going back to that point about being arrogant, you shouldn’t expect to succeed with only your own experience. Not only will you disappoint yourself but it might hurt your company. It’s a good idea to read and research everything you can about businesses, both successful and failed ones. Learn from others' successes and mistakes so you can know how to avoid your own. Moreover, seek strategic consulting, if you need it.

5. Not following the 9 steps

To start your own business, it takes more than the idea (though that’s one of the most important aspects of it). You also need to follow steps to get started, like creating a business plan and choosing an insurance. Besides, that also includes things like picking a business structure. And don’t forget to register for a working permit, be that a self-employment permit or even a Startup Visa.

6. Overestimating or underestimating yourself

If you want your venture to succeed, you need to be prepared to put a lot of work into it. Passion (yes, that over-used word) is important because you need to truly believe in what you are doing and why you are doing it. Even when there are more downs instead of ups, you need to keep up the hard work. Finally, don’t think you know everything but do believe in yourself and your vision! By staying humble and working hard, you’ll be sure to succeed!

Mistakes are normal. Learning from them is even better. With this post, you'll surely be avoiding these common startup mistakes! We'll be reading about your success soon enough...

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