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College campuses are bustling hubs of learning, offering more than just a traditional academic education. Beyond the lecture halls, libraries filled with books, and the endless cycle of studying, assignments, and exams lies an often-overlooked resource – the college radio station. These stations are not only cultural beacons on campuses but also provide unique opportunities for students to develop a wide range of skills, engage with diverse communities, and explore career paths in broadcasting, media, and beyond.

A Platform for Hands-On Learning

Experiential Education

College radio stations offer a dynamic, hands-on learning environment where students can acquire and hone practical skills in broadcasting, audio engineering, and media production. Unlike the theoretical focus of traditional classroom settings, these stations provide a tangible, real-world platform for students to experiment with creative ideas, create compelling content, and manage live broadcasts. This form of experiential learning is invaluable as it complements academic studies by allowing students to directly apply theoretical knowledge in a practical, real-world context, thereby enhancing their educational experience and preparing them for future career challenges.

Skill Development

Active participation in college radio not only nurtures a range of technical skills but also fosters a suite of transferable soft skills critical for both personal and professional development. Through their involvement, students learn to communicate effectively, manage time efficiently, work collaboratively within teams, and think critically under pressure. These skills, developed in the unique context of radio broadcasting, are invaluable assets not just in media-related fields but across a wide range of professional landscapes, enhancing employability and career flexibility and are perfect in parallel to skills that might be required for essay writing and understanding texts.

Career Exploration

For many students, involvement in college radio opens the door to exploring career interests in journalism, broadcasting, digital media, and beyond. The hands-on experience gained through running shows, managing broadcasts, and producing content can serve as a significant advantage in the competitive job market. It offers not only a practical resume boost but also provides a platform for students to build a professional network, explore various media-related career paths, and gain insights into the industry, thereby facilitating informed career decisions.

Leadership and Team Management

Engagement in college radio also serves as an exceptional training ground for leadership and team management skills. Students often take on roles that require them to lead projects, manage teams, and make strategic decisions in real-time broadcasting environments. These responsibilities challenge them to develop strong leadership qualities, such as decisiveness, accountability, and the ability to motivate and inspire team members. Learning to navigate the complexities of team dynamics, delegate tasks effectively, and communicate goals clearly are critical skills for any future leader. This aspect of college radio not only enriches students’ educational journeys but also prepares them for leadership roles in their future careers, equipping them with the experience and confidence needed to lead diverse teams and projects successfully.

Fostering Community and Diversity

Cultural Exchange

College radio stations stand out for their eclectic and diverse programming, which spans various music genres, cultures, and topics. This diversity fosters a rich cultural exchange, educating and connecting students from myriad backgrounds. The platform serves as a vital channel for cultural representation and inclusivity, giving voice to underrepresented communities on campus and promoting a broader understanding and appreciation of global cultures among the student body.

Community Engagement

Extending beyond the confines of the campus, college radio stations frequently engage with the local community through hosting events, promoting local artists, and supporting small businesses. This active community engagement cultivates a sense of belonging and civic responsibility among students. It underscores the importance of media in fostering community development, encouraging students to think globally and act locally, and highlighting the role of college radio as a bridge between the campus and the wider community.

Social Impact

College radio has the power to influence public opinion and advocate for social change through public service announcements, targeted awareness campaigns, and discussions on pressing societal issues. This platform empowers students to harness their voices for advocacy, fostering a culture of awareness, engagement, and action on critical issues affecting both their immediate and global communities. It showcases the potential of media to serve as a catalyst for social change and underscores the responsibility of broadcasters in shaping public discourse.

Empowering Student Entrepreneurship

College radio stations not only act as platforms for cultural and social engagement but also as incubators for student entrepreneurship. By providing a space where students can experiment with content creation, marketing, and event management, these stations encourage entrepreneurial thinking and innovation. Students involved in college radio can develop business models around their shows, explore advertising and sponsorship opportunities, and even organize large-scale events. 

This hands-on experience in entrepreneurship complements their academic studies by offering a practical understanding of business and marketing principles. It encourages students to think creatively about monetization strategies and brand development, providing a unique opportunity to launch student-led initiatives and startups. This entrepreneurial aspect of college radio highlights its role in fostering a spirit of innovation and business acumen among students, preparing them for successful careers in a variety of fields.

Enhancing Academic Success

Complementing Academic Studies

Engagement with college radio enriches the academic experience by providing practical applications for theoretical studies. Whether it’s a journalism student producing a compelling news segment, a music major curating an eclectic show, or a marketing student developing promotional strategies, the radio station offers a creative and practical outlet that complements and enriches their academic learning, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Stress Relief and Mental Health

The opportunity for creative expression offered by college radio participation serves as a significant outlet for stress relief among students. It offers a much-needed break from the rigorous demands and pressures of academic life, contributing to improved mental health and overall well-being. For those overwhelmed by the college tasks, the best US essay writers from essayservice provide necessary academic support. This creative outlet not only helps in stress management but also promotes a balanced approach to education, recognising the importance of mental health in academic success and personal development.

Building a Professional Portfolio

For students aspiring to careers in media and broadcasting, college radio provides a unique opportunity to build a professional portfolio. Engaging in on-air segments, production projects, and other creative endeavors allows students to accumulate a body of work that showcases their skills, creativity, and commitment to future employers. These tangible experiences are invaluable in job interviews and applications, offering a competitive edge and a practical demonstration of their capabilities and passion for the field.


The untold benefits of college radio stations extend far beyond the airwaves, enriching the college experience in multifaceted ways. These stations not only provide a platform for hands-on learning and skill development but also foster community, diversity, and a sense of civic engagement among students. For those looking to maximize their college experience while managing academic demands, leveraging resources such as can provide the balance needed to explore these enriching opportunities. College radio is more than just entertainment. It’s a catalyst for growth, learning, and exploration.

In recent years, the surge in environmental awareness has significantly influenced how college campuses operate, particularly in student housing. Dormitories, traditionally seen as basic living spaces for students, are undergoing a remarkable transformation. This evolution is largely driven by eco-conscious student initiatives aiming to integrate sustainability into every aspect of campus living. These initiatives are not just about reducing carbon footprints. They’re about creating a holistic approach to sustainability that encompasses energy use, waste reduction, and fostering a green community.

Amidst the pressures of studying, managing assignments, and the usual college workload, students are increasingly seeking ways to contribute positively to their environment. For those who might feel overwhelmed by their academic responsibilities but still wish to engage in eco-friendly practices, hiring an essay writer from services such as can provide valuable assistance. These writing services allow students to maintain their academic performance while participating in green initiatives within their dorms and beyond.

Establishing Eco-Friendly Living Quarters

The Rise of Green Dorms

The concept of green dorms is taking root across many college campuses, spurred by student-led initiatives. These living spaces are designed with sustainability in mind, featuring energy-efficient lighting, low-flow water fixtures, recycling and composting systems, and sometimes even solar panels. Beyond the hardware, green dorms also promote a lifestyle that encourages minimal environmental impact, guiding students to make conscious decisions about their daily habits. These dorms serve as a model for sustainable living, demonstrating that small changes in lifestyle and design can have a significant impact on environmental conservation.

Implementing Sustainable Practices

Students are at the forefront of driving change in dormitory living by adopting and advocating for sustainable practices. Efforts include reducing energy consumption through simple actions like turning off lights when not in use, using power strips to manage energy use more efficiently, and prioritizing the use of public transportation, biking, or walking. Water conservation efforts are also a key focus, with initiatives aimed at reducing waste and encouraging the use of reusable containers and products. Such practices not only contribute to a greener dorm environment but also instill a sense of responsibility and awareness among students regarding their environmental footprint.

Eco-Friendly Community Initiatives

Beyond individual efforts, dorm residents often come together to participate in larger community initiatives. These can range from organizing green challenges and workshops to creating communal gardens. Such activities not only contribute to a more sustainable environment but also help build a sense of community and shared purpose among students. Communal gardens, in particular, provide hands-on experience with sustainable food production, while green challenges and workshops offer practical tips on living an eco-friendly lifestyle. These collective efforts foster a strong sense of environmental stewardship and community involvement among dorm residents.

Integrating Zero-Waste Principles

A critical component of establishing eco-friendly living quarters in college dorms is the integration of zero-waste principles. This initiative goes beyond traditional recycling efforts to encompass a comprehensive approach aimed at eliminating waste in all forms. Students and residential life coordinators are collaborating to implement strategies such as bulk buying stations for food and cleaning products, encouraging the use of reusable items like cloth towels and metal utensils, and providing accessible composting options for organic waste. 

Education campaigns about reducing single-use plastics and the importance of repurposing and reusing materials are also pivotal. These zero-waste initiatives not only reduce the environmental footprint of dormitory living but also educate students on the impacts of waste on our planet. By challenging students to minimize their waste, these programs instill lifelong habits of conscious consumption and waste reduction. 

Cultivating an Eco-Conscious Culture

Education and Awareness

Education plays a critical role in fostering an eco-conscious culture within dorms. Many student-led groups organize workshops and seminars to educate their peers about the importance of sustainability and how they can make their dorm lives more eco-friendly. Topics often include waste reduction techniques, the benefits of recycling, and how to minimize energy use. These educational initiatives are crucial for spreading awareness and motivating action, as they equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed decisions about their environmental impact.

Collaborating with Campus Administration

For more significant changes, student initiatives often seek collaboration with college administrations. This partnership can lead to the adoption of green policies at the institutional level, such as investing in renewable energy sources for dormitories or implementing comprehensive recycling programs. Such collaborations signify a commitment to sustainability that goes beyond individual or group efforts, embedding eco-conscious principles into the fabric of campus life. By working together, students and administrators can create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly campus environment that serves as a model for other institutions.

Leveraging Technology for Sustainability

In the digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in advancing sustainability goals. Students leverage apps and platforms to track energy use, manage waste disposal, and even share resources among peers. This tech-savvy approach allows for efficient management of resources and promotes a culture of sustainability that aligns with students’ lifestyles and preferences. Innovative technological solutions, such as energy monitoring apps and online platforms for sharing or exchanging goods, make it easier for students to engage in sustainable practices and contribute to a greener campus.

Promoting Renewable Energy Projects

One transformative approach that significantly contributes to cultivating an eco-conscious culture within dorms involves promoting and implementing renewable energy projects. Forward-thinking students and eco-clubs are increasingly advocating for the installation of solar panels and wind turbines on or near dormitory buildings. These projects not only supply clean energy to power common areas and student rooms but also serve as a tangible demonstration of renewable energy’s potential. 

By directly participating in these initiatives, students gain firsthand experience with green technologies, understanding their operation, benefits, and the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources. These efforts underscore the role of student activism in driving campus-wide sustainability changes, demonstrating that student engagement can lead to substantial environmental improvements.

Enhancing Green Spaces and Biodiversity

Another vital aspect of fostering an eco-conscious dorm culture is the enhancement of green spaces and biodiversity around student housing. Student initiatives often include planting native gardens, creating rooftop green spaces, and establishing butterfly and bee habitats. These projects not only beautify the dormitory surroundings but also play a crucial role in promoting biodiversity, offering educational opportunities about local flora and fauna, and providing essential ecosystems for pollinators. 

Engaging students in these green space projects fosters a deeper connection with nature, highlights the importance of ecological balance, and encourages a lifestyle that respects and protects natural habitats. Through these hands-on experiences, students learn the value of conservation efforts and are inspired to incorporate sustainable practices into their daily lives, further embedding an ethos of environmental stewardship within the campus community.

Stress and burnout are major issues for students that can negatively impact academic performance, mental health and overall wellbeing. Stress can significantly impair our cognitive functions like memory and concentration, which are essential for learning.

Burnout saps motivation and energy levels, making it difficult to fully engage in your studies. So, combating burnout and cultivating resilience is crucial for students to have a fulfilling, successful university experience. Here, we’ll cover why stress is so detrimental and provide actionable ways to lower stress, avoid burnout and create moments of calmness in your routine.

Why stress is detrimental to studies

Stress can seriously impair several cognitive functions that are essential for productive studying and academic success. When you experience high levels of stress, it becomes more difficult to concentrate, focus your attention, and effectively take in and retain information. Stress hormones like cortisol interfere with efficient thinking, problem-solving and decision-making capabilities.

Too much stress also negatively impacts memory and the ability to store and retrieve information. Research shows that stress actually changes the structure of the hippocampus, the part of the brain involved in memory formation. This makes it harder to encode new information for later recall.

In addition, stress and anxiety often lead to poor sleep quality. Lack of sleep is detrimental to learning and academic performance. Studies demonstrate that sleep deprivation reduces cognitive faculties, impairs concentration, and hinders the ability to retain information from classes or textbooks.

Stress can also sap motivation and engagement. When you're burnt out, you have less energy and drive to fully participate in coursework or studies. Prolonged stress leads to fatigue, lack of interest and difficulty concentrating, making it nearly impossible to excel.

Managing stress levels is key to having the energy, focus, cognitive abilities and motivation required for success at university. Finding ways to lower stress can help safeguard the mental capacities and energy essential for high academic achievement.

Combating burnout and stress

Mindfulness activities

Incorporating mindfulness practices into your routine can help calm the mind, reduce stress, and increase focus and clarity. Meditation is one powerful way to achieve this. Even brief 5-10 minute meditation sessions have been shown to lower stress hormone levels and boost concentration. There are many excellent guided meditation apps that make it easy to start a meditation habit.

Another highly effective mindfulness activity is forest bathing. This involves taking slow, mindful walks through nature while using all your senses to observe your surroundings. Studies demonstrate that spending time immersed in nature lowers stress, elevates mood, reduces blood pressure, and boosts creativity.

You can enhance the stress-relieving benefits of forest bathing by incorporating photo journaling. Taking photographs of beautiful natural scenes during your walks helps you fully engage with your environment, and reviewing the photos later on allows you to recall the positive emotions you felt. This serves as a powerful relaxation tool when you're feeling overwhelmed.

Practising mindfulness techniques like meditation, forest bathing and photo journaling helps reset an overstressed nervous system. Integrating these activities into your daily or weekly routine can go a long way in preventing burnout.


Incorporating physical activity into your weekly routine is another effective way for students to manage stress and avoid burnout. Exercise has been scientifically shown to relieve anxiety, improve sleep quality, boost energy levels and enhance focus – all of which are essential for academic success. Scheduling time for exercise provides a break from mental taxation, allowing you to come back to your studies refreshed and better able to concentrate.

Aiming for 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, as recommended by health organisations, is ideal. This could involve activities like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dance classes, yoga, or playing sports. Joining group classes or sports teams can provide an added benefit of connecting with others and building social support.

Many universities have free or discounted access to gyms, pools, and fitness classes. Taking advantage of these resources makes it easy and affordable to make regular exercise a habit. Establishing a consistent workout routine will provide compounding mental health benefits throughout your degree.

Pairing movement with time outdoors has additional stress-reduction perks. Exercising in natural environments – like hiking, running, or cycling around campus – can boost energy while also calming the mind.

Time management

Using effective time management strategies is vital for avoiding burnout as a student. Feeling overwhelmed by everything on your plate can significantly contribute to stress. Making use of some organisational tools and tricks can help prevent this.

Using a calendar to keep track of your classes, assignments, exams and other commitments can help you feel in control. Block out regular chunks of time dedicated to studying for each module, and remember to schedule in free time for socialising, exercise and self-care.

Creating to-do lists is another useful way to stay on top of everything you need to accomplish, without holding it all in your head. Break bigger tasks down into smaller action steps. Making to-do lists for each day or week can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed. It can help to write out a brain dump before going to bed so you’re not overthinking about things you need to remember the following day when you’re trying to rest.

It's important to set boundaries around your academic work. Learning when to say "no" to additional activities and not overburdening your schedule is key. Avoid the temptation to work late into the night as this can quickly lead to burnout.

Creating balance 

Managing stress and avoiding burnout should be a top priority for all university students. Too much stress severely impacts cognitive functions like memory and concentration that are vital to academic success. It also leads to poor sleep, sapped motivation and lack of engagement.

Learning to set boundaries and make time for self-care is important. Taking advantage of stress management strategies and cultivating resilience will allow you to have a fulfilling, successful, and enjoyable time at university. Don't underestimate the value of lowering your stress levels and protecting your mental health and wellbeing during your studies.

Congratulations, Class of 2023! 

Following stressful weeks, uncertainties, and fun memories with your peers, you finally get to throw your hat to celebrate. When the excitement dissipates, new worries may set in. What now? Navigating the transition into the professional world is crucial to get a hold of your life after graduation. However, you need not worry as you're beginning a new phase filled with even more gratifying experiences and fulfilling opportunities. Through careful planning, learning, and reflection, you'll be off to a great start! Thus, this article will provide 24 survival tips to help graduates thrive in the professional world in 2023

Tip #1: Embrace solo dates - time to reflect!

Give yourself time to adjust to this new chapter. Many changes are coming your way, and it's better you reflect on where you are now. Think about what you've accomplished and the goals you want to achieve. Ask yourself: What did I like and not like about my studies? Where do I see myself flourishing - what work and which country? What makes me happy and fulfilled? It may help to write it down and experiment with journaling. Sometimes, when you actively reflect and write, you realise what a long way you've come.

Bonus: Take yourself on a date and bring your notebook or laptop with you. It can be a small cafe serving the best coffee (in your opinion) in town or a park with picturesque scenery. Anything that makes you feel calm to give yourself peace of mind.

Tip #2: Let yourself get lost to find the version you want to become 

It may seem the scariest step of all, yet extremely rewarding eventually. While planning is essential, you need room to wiggle to find the life you wish to lead after graduation. Whether it's something drastic such as a career change or simply being unsure - it's okay to feel this way. Importantly, trust yourself and what you truly wish from your life and avoid negative peer pressure.

The travel writer Matt Gross gives many tips and narrates stories of his adventures getting lost while travelling. His articles can give you some great tips to travel smartly! For instance, he has suggested that you stow your baggage in a locker and roam around the streets. He also has emphasised that you don't immediately get lost as you still have some sense of direction. Yet the more you move away from the familiar and into the unknown, the more you let yourself get lost. In the same way, lock your metaphorical bags filled with the must-dos and "this-has-always-been-a-plan"s in your room but don't expect to be comfortable initially. Just be curious about the process of having an opportunity to find your best version by letting yourself move away from the familiar. Get lost and trust that you'll find your way out.

Tip #3: Set career goals and create a roadmap for achieving them

After these reflection sessions, it's time for more practical steps. Hopefully, you have an idea or two about how you wish your life and career to look. Now, you can set actionable goals. Not to make too many travelling references, but it helps to have a roadmap. Create a strategic vision of your ambitions with smaller achievable steps. There are many ways to create a career roadmap, and you can adjust it according to your needs!

Tip #4: Develop a strong online presence and optimise your professional profiles

Your LinkedIn profile has to become your usual companion. LinkedIn is an ideal platform if you are looking to browse current job prospects and connect with potential employers. Take this free time after graduation to update (or create) your online presence on LinkedIn by including all your experiences, skills, or certifications. Ensure you also add your description in the "summary" section and post some content from your work that can serve as a portfolio.

Often, recruitment nowadays happens online. Regardless, be sure that your employer will check your socials beyond LinkedIn. Thus, cleaning up your profiles is vital - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms you utilise. Make it private where necessary - don't forget to have a work-life balance! 

Tip #5: Conduct extensive research on job prospects to know your options 

Doing research is always an intelligent move for everything you set your mind to. Hence, if you wish to orient yourself in the market, checking out your job prospects can prove beneficial to be clear on your options. Here's where your LinkedIn profile comes in handy. Additionally, dig deeper with other employment websites for job listings.

This research will also help you better understand what kind of positions and work you see yourself in - which job descriptions made you feel excited and which made you yawn? There you have it.

Tip #6: Continuously update and improve your resume and cover letter

You might have already made your resume and written a cover letter. Yet, it's not a one-and-done process as you continuously grow and acquire more skills and experiences. Not to mention, resumes always need adjustments to tailor to the specific job you're applying for. You can work on it even with no previous work experience. After all, you have just graduated!

Take this time to improve, learn tips and tricks to optimise your documents, and try various templates - see what works for you! 

Tip #7: Diversify your resume by volunteer work, hobbies, and certifications 

If you feel something's lacking when working on your resume, you should add steps to your roadmap. You could look at volunteering opportunities, receiving certifications, or developing your hobbies. It's an advantage as it helps to diversify your resume with this, and these experiences add a unique touch to stand out. 

Volunteer work can be an exciting, fun, and gratifying experience. Not to mention, it looks good on your resume. Volunteering for an exciting festival, project, or social service can provide you with skills and memories of a lifetime.

There are many online courses for various technical skills for which you can acquire certifications (and flaunt in your resume and LinkedIn profile!) It's advisable to develop technical aptitude as it's one of the vital future skills that can make you an attractive candidate. 

Embrace your current hobbies or revisit the old ones even if it feels like it's not relevant to your career. Employers will want to know about you beyond the skills required for the job. Depending on your hobby, you may also create an online portfolio to showcase your work.

Bonus: This tip is helpful for your career path and contributes to your personal growth as you evolve, learn, and experience diverse opportunities. 

Tip #8: Practise and refine your interview skills

Before landing a job and starting a career, we all have to go through the interview process, where we try to present our best selves. First impressions are crucial, so displaying a positive demeanour goes a long way. Practise welcoming and confident body language and tone of voice. Write a 60-second elevator pitch and practice saying it out loud many times. If possible, enrol for training. It can also be a course for public speaking as the skills acquired there will, overall, greatly help in knowing how to present yourself. 

Tip #9: Embrace networking opportunities and build professional connections

A lot of the time, networking can open more doors for you than any online applications and impressive cover letters can. Networking is vital to build professional connections and reach companies and organisations you wish to work for. Strike up conversations online, and join specific and relevant groups for your career path. While many interactions are now happening online, don't overlook the power of networking offline. Attend those career fairs and networking events, apply your skills of effectively presenting yourself, and create meaningful professional connections.

Tip #10: Seek mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals

Networking can also assist you in finding mentors or professionals in your field who can guide you on how to get started. Merely listening to others' experiences can already teach you a lot about what (not) to do. Don't be shy to ask for advice and help; most people love sharing their knowledge. It's good to ask for feedback on your work and get some fresh perspectives.

Tip #11: Keep learning and seek opportunities for professional development

Graduating doesn't mean you stop learning. Continuous learning is the key to developing, growing, and reaching more of your goals. So you should also polish your existing skills and knowledge - "Repetition is the mother of learning!"”

Moreover, say yes to more opportunities for professional growth. Apply for those crash courses, read. Put your revised resume to good use - apply for an internship or traineeship that seems beneficial for your career path.

Tip #12: Stay updated with industry trends and developments

That being said, one vital aspect of continuous learning is staying updated on today's trends. The good news is this does not necessarily require a big-time investment. Merely 15-20 minutes of your day to skim through the news in your industry can yield tremendous results for you. Look for the influences in the field, the emergent trends that are not yet fully explored, and the skills on demand. This can inspire you and provide you with topics to spark conversations when networking.

Tip #13: Manage your finances wisely

You know you're stepping into adult life when you must plan your finances independently. While you already had to think of this during your university years, now it's time to pay off those student loans, if needed. It’s time to create a new budget, including your rent, taxes, living expenses, and other costs that are part of your life’s new chapter.

Tip #14: Build a personal brand and showcase your unique strengths

Just as companies tap into employer branding, you should create one for yourself. As a potential employee entering the workforce, building your personal brand to showcase your strengths is of the essence. This can be done in numerous ways. Optimise your professional profiles online (see Tip 4) and work on your portfolio. Regardless, employers want to see tangible results like examples. You can create a website or simply a pdf where you write down your strengths and  also showcase them. Many website builders give you a free option to create your own!

Tip #15: Build a professional wardrobe

Here's a fun tip! As mentioned earlier (see Tip 8), first impressions are critical, and clothes can have an influence. As you enter the workforce and leave student life, you should also switch up your wardrobe: put your hoodies and sweatpants on your shelves and make room for some shirts, classy pants, and blazers. Yet, if this sounds very far from you, it can also hint at the environment you wish to work in. Many jobs still require a dress code - business professional, business casual, or casual. There's also a not-so-new trend of business attire that involves pyjama pants if you work remotely - that's a choice you can make yourself. 

Tip #16: Develop digital literacy

Despite of your chosen industry, technology has permeated every field. Hence, the need for tech-savvy employees is in constant demand. Many times, you'll see various tech knowledge requirements in job descriptions, and adding them to your resume or LinkedIn profile will instantly put you higher than those that lack them. Knowing Microsoft 365 is a no-brainer and it's a huge plus if you're acquainted with Adobe Software - the more the merrier. Do you know how to build a website? - make it known. Have you learned programming languages, such as Javascript or Python? - emphasise that. Additionally, with the emergence and growth in the popularity of AI software, staying updated and learning about AI is also becoming essential. 

Tip #17: Work on your soft skills 

Working on your technical skills shouldn't overshadow the importance of acquiring soft skills. With the fast-evolving job market with a constant need for development and innovation, employers are searching for creative and flexible minds. Working on your soft skills is significant for your professional and personal life. Revisit your experiences and projects you've worked on during or outside your university. You'll find that you have already acquired many substantial soft skills necessary for today's workplace. 

[Additional Reading: read Top Soft Skills in Resume in 2023 (+ How to Acquire Them) for a detailed list and tips on how to work on your soft skills]

Tip #18: Gain intercultural competence by travelling, studying/working abroad opportunities, and having a diverse circle of connections

Intercultural competence is perhaps something you've already acquired during your studies if you were in an international environment. Regardless, it's a necessary and demanded skill to show as the workforce has become international and diverse. There are ways to gain intercultural competence outside your university. It can be travelling on a budget or, even better, taking up work or study abroad opportunities whenever possible. Moving to a different country teaches you much more than travelling as a tourist could.

However, you don't necessarily need to move across the world. Here too, networking is crucial to meet diverse people from different backgrounds and perspectives and step out of the bubble. You can learn about the global world merely by getting to know others and keeping an open mind about their cultures, background, and ways of communicating, working, and living. 

Tip #19: Disrupt your safe haven

Nothing great ever happens in your comfort zone - you've heard it a lot and there's a reason for that. Don't let yourself choose a path simply because it feels comfortable and challenges scare you. Changing your mindset to perceive challenges as opportunities is one way to not merely survive life after graduation but make it exciting! Now that you have time to focus on things outside your university responsibilities, you can push yourself to do things you haven't done. Experiences that may scare you and make you uncomfortable - in a good way! Start with small changes in your routine and see how it feels.

Tip #20: Take care of your physical and mental health

With so many things to consider after graduation, it's vital to take care of your health. A clear mind will help you make the right choices. Get a membership at your nearest gym - if this option is not for you, check out various group classes or do other sports to unwind. Moving your body instantly improves your mood and makes you feel energised

Trying different relaxation activities such as practising mindfulness, yoga, or simply art and music - anything outside of your career and other daily worries - can drastically improve your overall state of mind.

Tip #21: Build resilience to be prepared for hard work and failures

Life after graduation comes with more responsibilities and hard work that you should prepare yourself for. Be prepared that you might not land your dream job right away and it doesn't necessarily mean that you're lacking something for the position. Finding the right fit and standing out from hundreds of applicants is a tough task. Building thick skin for rejections has become essential as it's easy to get demotivated. Moreover, be open to discovering other positions and companies that may suit you - but know when to say no. It's a two-way process: just like a potential employer is evaluating you, you get to choose which organisation is the right fit for you as well.

Tip #22: Keep your support system close 

One way to help you keep going when it gets harder during the process is by reaching out for support. Needing support doesn't mean you're weak. Keep your family and friends that believe in you close and get all the support you need, even if it's emotional. Sometimes, all you may need to boost your energy are the people that support your path and decisions.

Tip #23: Find a work-life balance that works for you 

When you're planning out your career or evaluating possible positions, it's essential to pay attention to work-life balance. Fresh out of university, you may feel like you're thirsting for that exciting job opportunity. While this energy is just what you need for resilience, you also need to make sure you don't overwork which leads to burnout. Create clear boundaries. You might also want to consider if you'd want an onsite, hybrid, or remote work type and adjust accordingly. One skill that will help you in succeeding is time management

Tip #24: Embrace the new phase of your life

Perhaps the main step you have to remind yourself of is enjoying your life after graduation. It may feel like a lot of pressure. Truth is, the way this new phase of life starts depends a lot on how you look at it. So enjoy the new challenges as they are opportunities to grow, meet new people, and gain new skills and experiences. 


As graduates in 2023, you're entering the competitive and global workforce. It's valuable to take various steps. From planning to practising skills, there are many ways to prepare yourself for the world after university. Importantly, don't forget to take care of your health, energy, and mindset as this is the basis for reaching success.

Are you fresh out of university? Try out one of these tips and see how it helps! 

Networking is a word that is used a lot nowadays: networking this, networking that. It’s almost used so much that the meaning is lost. The gist seems to be: it is something you should be doing and doing a lot. Networking is actually pretty simple, and yes, we agree that you should be doing it! So read on to find out what it is, why it's important, and how you can start networking now.

What is networking?

Networking, to say it simply, is meeting and forming contacts with other people in your field of business. More specifically, it is used to form business relationships and to identify, create, or even go through with business opportunities such as expanding to international markets.

Building your social capital

Your social capital is basically your social network. And no, I don’t mean your Facebook or Instagram handle or the movie. It is the people you know, the relationships you form, and the actions you do with and for each other.

Why is it important?

In today’s world, business and otherwise, networking has become extremely important. It might even be essential. Professional networks can lead to more business opportunities and might even further professional statuses. Networking often includes forming relationships with other people in your field or doing similar things as you. This means that you might even find out about job opportunities through your networking contacts.

How does networking work?

You are always networking – whether you know it or not! You probably have contacts through your family, your friends, and your classmates. Even staff, lecturers and alumni are important sources of contact.

Obviously, many of us are still students and are not even close to having any foot forward in our chosen industries. Many of us are not even close to being fully able to cook ourselves dinner. How do you expect us to network when we don’t know what we want to do with our lives? While this is true, the idea and concept of networking are what are important here.

Where can I network?

There are a few scenarios where you can actively network, for example at an internship. If you are working as an intern, you have the opportunity to meet other interns as well as learn from the employees already working at the company. Plus, if you ace your internship and make a really good impression, you will have created contacts that you can re-visit. Maybe in a year you'll want to work there again or after you've graduated you may want a full-time job at the same place you interned at 2 years before.

Another example is societies. If you are part of a university society or organisation, opportunities are being thrown at you! Not only are societies great for having a great time and completing your university experience, you also become part of a community. Many societies nowadays are very ‘legitimate’. They have connections to businesses and other organisations. If you are a writer for the student newspaper, you might have opportunities to network with the local paper, then the city paper, and maybe even a national paper. You never know. Or, if you are part of a volunteering group, you might meet people involved in NGOs. Additionally, as an international student or graduate, there are various expat groups and clubs in the Netherlands that you can join.

There are also sites that are specifically for networking like LinkedIn. LinkedIn is really helpful because you can find people with similar interests or work experience as you. Moreover, you can also see the profiles of professionals whose career you admire or want to follow. This can give you some insight into the people you should be meeting or steps you should be taking in your own life and career. Facebook is also another networking site. After all, all your 500 friends have some sort of purpose, right?

Lastly, check out any competitions that might fit your profile and through which you can prove your skills. A perfect example of this is hackathons. Hackathons are events at which you compete as an individual or team by using data for a particular purpose.

So, there you have it. Networking isn't as scary as it sounds and it's not only for working professionals. You can easily network with fellow students, in societies, or at internships. Those are just a few examples. Networking can be applied to almost any social situation! Now go out there and make some new contacts! You'll thank us later.

Do you have any wise words on networking? Let us know!

As a student, you probably have at least one account on Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook. And we all know that what you put on the internet, stays on the internet.

Did you know? It is a high likelihood that your future employers will search your name on Google to check for any red flags.

Because of this, a negative presence on social media might prevent you from getting the job. To avoid that, we’ve come up with a list of do’s and don’ts when using social media as a student.

This is Not a Lecture on Social Media… Sort of

Social media is great for making new friends or to network professionally. You've heard all stories about celebrities who make a fool out of themselves online, but this also applies to students. Because of this, you need to pay at least some attention to what you post. Even if you delete a picture you regret taking the next morning or a comment on a post, you might still be tagged in other people’s photos.

Of course, you don’t have to stop having fun altogether. No one expects a college student to stay at home 24/7 and stop socializing or going out. You should use social media to your advantage. This starts by being aware of what you are posting!

This is Not a Lecture on Social Media… Sort of

Let’s Do Some Social Media Management



In short, be aware of what you post on your social media or networking profiles because what goes around, comes around. With these do's and don'ts, you'll be the most social media-savvy student ever!

Do you have any tips about using social media as a student? Leave a comment!

If you’ve been reading about labour law or allowances for students, you might have come across the word loonheffingskorting. If you don’t speak Dutch, this word might be quite intimidating or confusion and with good reason! Sometimes, Dutch websites aren’t that detailed and you're probably sick and tired of using Google Translate for everything. Loonheffingskorting is Dutch for "payroll tax deduction", which we’ve talked a whole lot about. What does payroll tax reduction or loonheffingskorting, mean for you as an employee? Let’s find out…

What is Loonheffingskorting All About?

What is Loonheffingskorting All About?

Payroll tax reduction (direct translation: korting op je belasting) basically means that you, as an employee, are able to get a rebate or discount, on your taxes. Less tax is paid by your employer, and you get more pay in your wages. What this means is that your employer takes the general tax discount and labour discount into consideration; these discounts are termed the payroll tax deduction. This is all geared towards students who work while they study and who make additional earnings.

How Can I Get it?

If you work as a student (loonheffing student), then you are automatically entitled to a discount on your tax. Sweet, right? In order to get this discount, you need to ask for it from your employer or benefit agency paying your Dutch payroll. You then need to fill out the form loonheffingsformulier ‘Model return data for payroll fees’, which you can get from your employer.

If you are working for more than one employer at the same time, you can only ask one of them for payroll tax reduction. Make sure you don’t apply for both because then you might have to pay back the tax later. On the bright side, if you work with multiple employers during the year, you can apply for payroll tax reduction with each of them.

When you apply for loonheffingskorting, your employer will need a few bits of information from you. This includes:

Easy, right? Then, your employer takes care of the rest!

You can find the form here, which you can download and then fill out on your computer.

As you can see, loonheffingskorting is actually a really simple process, and takes almost no time at all to complete! If you want, you can read about payroll tax reduction in more detail, where we go through all the stops and find out what it means for both employer and employee.

If you’re preparing to move to the Netherlands for your studies, you may have heard something about a toeslagpartner. While the Dutch word may cause confusion and might sound like some sort of mystical creature, it's actually really simple. A toeslagpartner (translated: benefit partner) is a person you apply for allowances with. If you’ve checked out our guide to allowances, you know that a toeslagpartner can affect how much allowance you can receive. But first, you need to know what a toeslagpartner actually is. And how do you even know if you have a toeslagpartner or not? Well, friends, we have the answers to all your questions!

First of all, what is a toeslagpartner?

A toeslagpartner is a benefit partner, the person with which you apply for government benefits, like the health insurance allowance. The Dutch tax authorities may also refer to it as your ‘payment partner’. You can only have 1 toeslagpartner. 

Who is my toeslagpartner?

Who is my Toeslagpartner?

Most of the time, your payment partner is your tax partner so your spouse or a registered partner. But, most likely, as a student, you are not married. So, in this case, your toeslagpartner might be someone who is registered at the same address as you, like a sibling or housemate.

If any of these scenarios apply to you, then that person is probably your supplementary partner! Here's a list of the conditions required for a person to be your benefit partner, ordered by priority. If the first is fulfilled, then the others don't need to apply.


  1. Are living/signed a cohabitation contract together
  2. Had a child together
  3. Are partners for a pension scheme
  4. Have a home for sale together
  5. Are tax partners for income tax
  6. Were each others toeslagpartner last year in 2016

The order of this list is actually important and not just something we made up (shocking, right). If you live with more than one other person at a registered address, like in a house, the person to which the first situation applies is your toeslagpartner. Picture this: you live with 2 other people, and you have a social contract with one of them and are tax partners with another. In this case, only the first person (so the one you have the social contract with) is your toeslagpartner, since the social contract is higher on the list. The other person is irrelevant (sorry, second person, your time will come).

Other scenarios...

If you live with a relative, like a sibling, then they are your toeslagpartner. However, if you are living at home with your parents, you must be 27 years old or older; otherwise, they are not your toeslagpartners.

As a sub-leaser or if you are subleasing to someone (there’s a difference), which many students might do during their studies, you are not benefit partners!

Still confused and have a slight headache from all of this? You can use this online tool to see who your partner is. Beware: it's only in Dutch.

When are we considered toeslagpartners?

You become benefit partners when you marry or for other reasons like you have bought a house together or signed a social contract together, or any of the aforementioned reasons.

Furthermore, you are benefit partners from the date you started living together if you already live at the same address. So, let’s say you move in together in May, but want to become toeslagpartners in September; even though you register in September, you are partners from May onwards. Have you lived at this address before January 1st, 2019? Then you are partners from the 1st.

Easy-peasy, right?

How does a toeslagpartner influence my allowances?

The amount of allowance you can get, for example for healthcare or housing, depends on your income and your partner’s income. It really depends on the amount of income you have, which is why each situation is unique. You can use this online calculator to see how much allowance you might be able to get. Make sure to have all the details of your supplementary partner when you do this calculation!

So, you see? As it turns out, a toeslagpartner is not some mythical, strange creature. It's simply your partner for allowances! You'll need to know who this benefit partner is when you are applying for healthcare or housing allowance, for example, since their income might influence how much allowance you are able to receive.

Do you have any more helpful information about or experiences with toeslagpartners? Let us know!

One of the first, and most important, things you need to check off your freshman to-do-list is registering yourself. That means going through your city hall registration. You need to do this for a number of reasons, the most important being that you need to be entered into Dutch official records and get a BSN number. This is an important first step to do in your first few days or weeks of living in Holland. Want to find out how to register? Keep on reading!

Why register?

The main reason you need to register at a city hall is to receive your BSN number (Burgerservicenummer). Your BSN number is basically a unique Citizen Service Number. Instead of having multiple identity numbers for social security and tax, you have an all-in-one BSN number. You need to have a BSN number if you are living and studying in Holland.

The second reason you need to complete a city hall registration is so that your details are entered into the Municipal Personal Records Base. Once you are officially entered in the database, people like doctors or accountants can find you and your BSN number in their records.

Why do I need a BSN number?

You need one because you need to be officially registered. Moreover, you need a BSN number to open a bank account, get insurance, apply for allowances, and get a job. If you want to apply for student finance, you also need a BSN number. It makes getting all of these things sorted a lot easier since you don’t need as many documents when you have one identity number. You can read a lot more on the specifics about the BSN number in this post.

You get your BSN number after you register.

Do I meet the requirements?

Basically, there are 3 scenarios where you need to complete a city hall registration.

Either you are Dutch, have a residence permit, or have been living in the Netherlands for more than 4 months.

In reality, almost everyone needs to register their address at a town hall.

Where do I register?

Where do I register

You register at a gemeente, meaning a Dutch municipality. You do this by locating your city hall. For instance, if you live in Rotterdam, you need to register at the city hall in Rotterdam. You should do this within your first week or so of being in Holland if you are planning on staying in the Netherlands for 4 months or more. The sooner you do it, the better!

You can make an appointment directly with the city hall. You can find your city hall by searching for your location and ‘city hall’. On their websites, you can usually make appointments online or by phone. If you know when you will be arriving, it might be best to schedule ahead of time.

However, keep in mind that there are long waiting lists, and it might take weeks to get an appointment. Many universities offer specific time slots for new students to register. You might be able to do this on campus or even book at a time at the city hall. Ask your school or look out for emails or notifications regarding registering.

What do I need to bring to my city hall registration?

As an EU student, you need to bring a proof of identity (passport or ID), proof of address, your original birth certificate, and your housing contract. You also need to make sure they are legalized if need be.

If you are non-EU, you need to show the same documents, perhaps proof of your university enrollment, as well as a valid residence permit. You can also show proof that you have applied for your residence permit.

Non-EU students, listen up

Whether, or when, you get your BSN number depends on the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). Depending on where you are from, you might need a residence permit. You can apply for your residence permit first and then register at the city hall. The IND will approve your permit, tell the municipality, and you will be registered. After around 10 days you will get your BSN number.

That was a short guide to registering in the Netherlands. Aim do to it within 5 days of arriving in the Netherlands and check out whether you can register through your university. This is a super important step to studying in the Netherlands, so don't sleep on it!

Do you have any experience with city hall registration? Share it with us!

Are you experiencing pressure now that you are enrolled at a university? Well, often you can blame it on peer pressure. This article will give you the info you need on what peer pressure is and how to avoid it.

What is "Peer Pressure" actually?

It is the type of pressure or influence from your peers that makes you act in a certain way against your will or differently than you usually would. The decisions that you might end up taking can certainly affect your future so this topic should definitely not be taken lightly.

There are two types of peer pressure:

In other words, peer pressure influences you to try and fit in. You need to remember that these influences are powerful and are often subconscious. Although fitting in is one of the main sources, there are also others such as high expectations from friends.

Here are the 9 ways to deal with peer pressure!

Here are the 9 ways to deal with peer pressure!

1. Know when to say NO

2. Follow your heart... but take your brain with you

You should never make rash decisions without thinking twice about them.

3. Remember quality over quantity especially with friends

4. Getting help from grown ups is okay

5. Build the self-confidence you need

6. Make sure that whatever you're doing is your own choice and not due to someone else's influence

7. Act cool when someone is pressuring you

Don't get angry or lash out. Be level-headed and show that you aren't affected by what is being said.

8. Remember, you do not have the obligation to fulfill someone's request

9. Communicate your choices in a short and simple way. If your peers don't like your choices, then it's their loss

All in all, you can't get rid of peer pressure; it will always be there. However, by using the tips above, you will be able to avoid it as much as possible! Make sure to also read our article about networking to strengthen your communication skills which will help build your self confidence. 
